A VISIT TO REMEMBERAn Immersive Experience
Reflective of D.C.’s rich history, Hamilton Hotel’s themed Specialty Suites are co-curated with cultural partners like HBO, offering a stay that’s as entertaining as it is elegant and relaxing.
VEEP Suite
Curated in conjunction with HBO, the Selina Meyer Specialty Suite pays homage to the Emmy® award-winning, hit comedy “VEEP” with original furniture, props and memorabilia from the show’s seven-season run.
Designed by Terri Jannes Interiors, guests are transported to Selina’s brownstone residence through original set props and mementos from her home. The space includes a framed Smith College diploma, Catherine and Selina family photos, a Vice-Presidential China plate with Selina’s photo and more. The suite’s living room also features original furniture from the brownstone, including Selina’s bar cabinet, a console table and a writing table.
The Suffrage Suite: Women Win The Vote
Founded in partnership with Freedom Forum's Newseum, The Suffrage Suite: Women Win The Vote celebrates the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment.